For the end of Sept. someone forgot to tell the weatherman that fall is here. I looked up the weekend forecast and they are saying mid 80's for the highs, I'm really looking for the mid 60's but I guess we will take what we get. I have noticed a few of the trees are starting to turn, mostly walnut and sycamore but it is putting a little color in the woods. There has been a hail of acorns again this week so the deer and turkey are having lots of groceries to pick through. I am not seeing much rut activity yet with the deer but it can't be that far away.
As far as the lake goes it is in real good shape and the COE is still running a good flow of water through the dam. I didn't think that the lake would get back to normal pool until November but the way it looks now it might make it in Oct. barring no torrential fall rains. The water clarity is perfect for fishing and we have been getting enough wing to start blowing the bait fish up on the shallow flats so it looks like some good fall fishing is right around the corner. LAKE LEVEL: 708.6 WATER TEMP: 76 deg. WATER CLARITY: Light stain. CRAPPIE: The crappie fishing this week has been a little sporadic this week. If you find the right few trees you can make a short day of it if not it takes forever. Isolated trees on flat points seem to be the best around here. You can find fish as shallow as 8' and as deep as 18'. Cedars seem to work the best but this changes by the day. Minnows and jigs are both working. The bridge pillars are also holding fish just as they have done all summer. The pattern is still catch a couple and move to the next pillar and then back to where you started. The bluff points are also starting to hold some fish. 20' of water down about 15' close to the points..It almost acts like these fish as starting to stage on the points to start moving in the creeks. BASS: The bass fishing remains the same as it was last week. With the conditions we have on the lake points seem to be the answer. Either secondary or main lake are producing now. Square bill crank baits in 6' to 8' of water has been a good bait and as the day warms up a jig and frog in the root wads will pick up fish. look for points with a good current break going across. Top water on the flats in the creeks on cloudy days is also working. 4' - 8' seems the best. Also tree rows along the edge of the creek channels have some suspended fish in them. Either a sinko or a do nothing worm will work here. Don't be afraid to drop a jig all the way down in the root wads in 10' to 15'. WHITES & HYBRIDS: Its getting time to start checking the wind blown flat points and small main lake pocket for whites. Rooster Tails and 1/4 oz spoons skipped across the top of the water will work here. Remember when these fish get up here you can't fish to shallow. There has been some whites hanging around the Pommie flats so if your in that area you might want to stop and check it out along with the hump at KK Island.
CATFISH: The cat fish here on Truman are about the same as last week with the fish wanting to move a little deeper. The edge of the creek channels in 15' to 17' of water with baits set 6'- 8'. Trot lines have been a little more productive. Either channel swings or close to points are the best. Hopefully we will get some cooler weather in and they will start moving back in the creeks.
WALLEYE: The walleye have been a little slow this week. The only thing that is constant is that 14' of water has been the magic number. Crawler rigs and deep runners have been the best of the best. The humps are working but it seems more towards the middle of the day. Hopefully they will pick up this week.
That's it for this week so come on down to Osage Bluff Marina 660-438-2939 and get started on some good fall fishing. Need a place to stay Osage Bluff Motel 660-438-2891.
Till next week.