We did have a little rise in the lake after all the rain a week ago. It looks like it is topping out today at 708.27 with the COE running water about everyday. Tomorrow it looks like they are going to slow the flow down a little. We are in good shape water wise being a little over 2' high and with the running water it does have the fish a little excited. The water clarity in our area is very good but it gets a little dirty when you get up the rivers. I have had a few reports of some drift in the channels but with them slowing the flow down they will go away, but its not enough to worry about.
The weather person is calling for almost summer like conditions this weekend with the highs in the mid 80's and the lows in the 60's. I know for a fact that it is cool enough for a jacket when running early in the morning. It feels almost like fall out there. The water temp is starting to drop in the mid 70's so don't miss a chance for some early fall fishing. Also bow season opens this weekend and I have been seeing lots of deer. It seems they are traveling the same roads I do about dusk so extra caution is advised.
LAKE LEVEL: 708.27
WATER TEMP: 75 deg.
CRAPPIE: The crappie are starting to move a little. Brush piles in the mouths of the creeks seem to be working the best right now. look for piles in 15' to 20' of water. Minnows are working the best. The cedars along the bluff banks in 20' to 25' are also holding some fish. You will catch a lot of little ones but there are some better fish holding with them so don't get discouraged. The crappie seem to be holding between 10' and 15'. The tree rows on the flats are also holding a few fish. Look in 10' to 15' of water about 2' off the bottom. Minnows are best here also.
BASS: The bass fishing has picked up a little this week with the rise in the water. Buzz baits on the secondary points in the creeks has been working close to the banks. Square bills fished in the same areas later in the day have also been working. Look for 3' to 5' of water. Tree rows along the edge of the creek channels about 1/2 way back have some suspended fish in them. Shallow running crank baits or a spinner bait will produce some fish.
WHITES & HYBRIDS: With the rise in the water and the COE running water during the day the white bass fishing has picked up. When the COE is running water spoons on the humps in 12' to 15' of water are working. Also the windy points are starting. These fish are coming out of a foot of water on Rooster Tails and as the water temp continues to drop the bite will keep getting better. There are a few hybrids in with the whites so it makes for some exciting fishing.
CATFISH: The cat fishing is the same as last week. The edge of a flat where it falls off into a creek channel going from 15' to 25' has been a good bite. Cut shad fished on either jugs or trot lines is a good way to catch blues. Set baits about 10'. Rod and reel drifting on the flats in 12' to 15' is also producing blues on cut bait. If you want channels fish the flats in 6' to 10' of water.
WALLEYE: There are still a few walleye being caught off the humps. Deep running crank baits in 12' to 15' of water are the best but I did hear of a crawler rig bite starting again. The last couple weeks that bite slowed down but with the water temp starting to cool has got these fish feeding up for winter.
We have adjusted our hours at the marina a little with the daylight to 7:00 AM 7 days a week. If we can help you out you can reach us at Osage Bluff Marina 660-438-2939 . Visit us on face book at Osage Bluff Marina for the latest happenings on the lake.
Till next week