Looking at the weather for the weekend it looks perfect for spending some time on the lake. Cooler mornings and not real hot during the day and the COE still running water makes for some super fishing conditions. The lake is 10' high which to me is where I like it for about any type of fishing. At this level most of the normal haunts are turning on.. We are also about 30 days away from bow season (not that I'm counting), but it looks like we have a good deer herd around the lake.
The holiday is about 2 weeks away and we are getting ready for that. Due to the high water over the July 4th. holiday we are going to celebrate both with some big bangs so you might want to plan ahead for the fun. We would like to extend a big thank you to the Warsaw Leathernecks Detach 1254 for the large donation for the festivities.Â
WATER TEMP:Â Â Â Â 84 deg.
WATER CLARITY:Â Clear to lightly stained.
CRAPPIE: The crappie bite here on Truman continues to improve. With the water continuing to drop the tree rows on the end of the flats are starting to produce some good fish. 20' of water seems to be the best with fish holding about 12'. Minnows or jigs are working. There are also fish still holding on some of the secondary points in 15' to 18' down about 10'.The brush piles have been a little slow around here but with another foot or two of water drop they should start up just in time for some good fall fishing.
BASS: Points are the name of the game when it comes to catching bass now. The jig and frog has been the most productive this week. The fish seem to be holding on the original bank line. The top water bite on the timbered flats is also producing some fish. 6' to 8' seems the best and there has to be baitfish working the top. Buzz baits and Pop R's are the best baits.
WHITES & HYBRIDS: The hybrids are still a little slow but the fish that are coming in are good sized. The white bass bite has been very good this week. KK Island has had both spoon fish and surfacing fish around it. The humps on the south end of the island are at a depth that the fish are holding on top of them. 20' of water has been the best depth. The surfacing fish haven't been staying up long but when they go back down they stay in the area and can be picked up with a spoon.
CATFISH: Jugs are doing great here on Truman for blues. It seems that most of the flats are holding fish. There has been several fish over the slot this week along with lots of fish in the slot being caught. 20' of water with cut bait set 8' - 10'. Might want to start checking the humps. Rod and reel fishing around KK has also been productive this week. Trot lines are working on the flats close to the river channel bends.Â
WALLEYE: We saw some nice walleye come in last weekend. KK Island produced some good sized fish on crawler rigs and trolling Flicker Shad. 15' range seemed to work the best.
With 2 weeks left before the holiday if you need a stall we have a few left here at Osage Bluff Marina you can call for reservations at 660-438-2939. And for rooms at the motel 660-438-2891.
Till next week