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Osage Bluff Fishing Report 6/27/19

Writer's picture: TommyTommy

We are still looking at some high water here on Truman as is the entire Midwest but it is going down slowly and we are back in operation as usual. You can walk to the marina and get a boat in off the edge of the parking lot. We are still doing our July 4th. celebration as usual. We will be doing fireworks on July 5th at dark so come and join us for the festivities. We are taking reservations for boat stalls for the holiday at the Marinas number 660438-2939 and for motel rooms at Osage Bluff Motel at 660-438-2891.

As far as the lake conditions as we all know its still 25' high but the COE has been drawing about 45000 cfs through the dam daily which drops us about 5" a day. As the lake gets smaller that number will increase. The water clarity is not bad at all in our area and this week I have seen very little trash floating. Even with the storms we had earlier this week it didn't affect it that much. With the lake conditions the way they are I'm sure there are still some floaters out there but from what I have seen it's not that bad. The best warning I can give is to slow down and run with care.

LAKE LEVEL:           733.9

WATER TEMP:         75 deg.

WATER CLARITY:    Stained.

CRAPPIE: There are some crappie being caught now. Drift fishing the creeks seems to be doing the best. You are fishing the same creek channels as normal  but there is just a little more water in them. The crappie seem to be holding about 16'. 

BASS: The flooded willows in the backs of the creeks have been holding some fish especially willow points. Top water early and late and a big worm during the day. With the conditions we have a do nothing worm is another good bait in flooded willows. Secondary points with a current break are another good bet during high water. A small square bill is a good bait here.

WHITES & HYBRIDS: This is a good time for whites and hybrids with the current flow we have. Look for old road beds or any hard bottom like parking lots or boat ramps. 1/2 oz jigging spoons or a 3" sassy shad are the best baits. There should be some fish off the weir and if not check the rip rap at the dam.

CATFISH: We have been doing good on catfish with the high water with bait being the problem. With the high water perch are real hard to find and the shad are about the same. We have switched over to goldfish and it has worked well. I think the flat heads are getting ready to start nesting, Last week we had a good run on current breaks on the points about 3/4 of the way back in the creeks. The flats behind the points in 20' of water produced good johnnies and blues. The better blues came on 20' flats towards the backs of the creeks with baits set about 8'. As always Truman is living up to its reputation as a fantastic catfish lake.

WALLEYE: No report.

That's it for this week. With the holiday coming up next week we would like to wish everyone a safe and happy 4th of July. If your in the area stop by and enjoy the celebration with us. 

  Till next week


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